By Laws

Updated and Approved August 13, 2016


1.10 The purpose of the Toccoa Amateur Radio Society Incorporated, shall be to provide an amateur radio service having a fundamental purpose as expressed in the following principals:

A. Recognition and enhancement of the value of the amateur service to the public as a voluntary noncommercial communication service, particularly with respect to providing emergency communications.

B. Continuation and extension of the amateur’s proven ability to contribute to the advancement of the radio art.

C. Encouragement and improvement of the amateur radio service through rules which provide for advancing skills in both the communication and technical phases of the art.

D. Expansion of the existing reservoir within the amateur radio service of trained operators, technicians and electronics experts.

E. Continuation and extension of the amateur’s unique ability to enhance international good will.

F. To further exchange information and cooperation between members, to promote radio knowledge, and individual operating efficiency and to so conduct club programs and activities so as to advance the general interest and welfare of Amateur Radio in the community.

1.20 It shall be the policy of the Club to support and join with other local, national and international Amateur Radio groups, as appropriate, to provide unity of action in supporting all aspects of Amateur Radio.


2.10 Any person interested in Amateur Radio shall be eligible for membership, and once accepted, a member shall have equal rights and privileges with all other members except as specifically covered by these By-Laws or Federal law.

2.15 Only those members who are Licensed Amateur Radio Operators shall have voting privileges, or hold office. Those members who are not yet licensed will be granted Associate Memberships with no voting privileges.

2.20 Applications for membership shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary on a special form provided for that purpose. Each such application shall be accompanied by one year’s dues as specified in Section VI of these By-laws. The application for membership may be approved by the majority of club member present at the meeting.

2.30 Family members are those persons in the same household as a full member who also wish to participate in the club. All rights and privileges of club membership as specified in Section 2.10 and 2.15 apply.


3.10 The officers of the club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Trustee. These five officers form the TARS Executive Committee. The first four officers are elected as described below for basically two year terms. The Trustee is appointed or reappointed in special session by the Board of Directors depending on FCC License renewal dates as required by the FCC, or if the existing Trustee resigns or otherwise needs to be replaced.

3.20 All officers of the club shall be members in good standing and shall be licensed amateurs at the time of their election and for their entire term of office.

3.30 The regular election of officers shall be handled as follows:

A. The election of regular officers shall be held during the December meeting of the even years for the following two years. The membership shall elect a rotating Board of Directors consisting of as many as five, (5) but not less than three (3) members. This board will elect its chairman, (Amended 11/8/2008) Their term of office shall be for one year, two years or three years initially, then one or two members should rotate off each year and be replaced resulting in three (3) year terms. Club members shall nominate members to fill these offices as appropriate.

B. Secret ballots, which will have been prepared by the Secretary, shall be distributed to everyone present who is eligible to vote.

C. Those members present and in good standing shall mark their ballots to vote for not more than one (1) nominee for each office.

D. The Secretary shall then collect and tabulate all ballots.

E. The nominee receiving the highest number of votes cast shall be declared elected to his or her respective office.

F. A special election may be held at any meeting to fill vacancies which occur between regular elections. A special procedure applies to the vacancy in the office of President (see Section 3.30G, below) the balance of this section applies to all elected offices other than the President. If a special election is to be held, a notice to this effect shall be published in the issue of the club newsletter immediately preceding such election. Those members of the club present at such meeting shall comprise a committee competent to nominate and elect a club member to the vacant office.

G. Should the office of President become vacant for any reason, the Vice-President shall immediately and automatically assume the office of President and the office of Vice-President shall be declared vacant and refilled under the terms of Section 3.20.

H. Term of office for all officers except for Board of Directors and Trustee, shall be two (2) years commencing at the adjournment of the December meeting of the even years, and continuing until adjournment of the December meeting two years later, or until their successor has been elected and qualified. Officers elected at a special election shall assume office immediately and their term shall end at the adjournment of the even year December meeting.

I. Term for all appointments shall be for two (2) years commencing at the adjournment of the December election meeting and continuing until adjournment of the December meeting of the even year or until their successor has been appointed. Those appointed to fill an unexpired term shall assume responsibility immediately and their term shall end at adjournment of the even December meeting unless they are reappointed.


The membership shall elect a Board of Directors consisting of (5) but not less than three (3) members. This board will elect its chairman. Amended 11/8/2008 rotate their team of office it shall be for one year & two years & three years. Their election shall be held as outlined in section 3.30 of these By-Laws.


Note; Where gender is shown in this document, either gender is assumed for these purposes.

4.10 The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and conduct the same according to rules adopted; he shall enforce due observance of the Charter and By-Laws, decide all questions of order, sign all official documents that are adopted by the club, be an ex-officio member of all committees, and perform all customary duties pertaining to the office of President.

4.20 The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of the President, and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

4.30 The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all monies paid to the Club; shall keep an accurate account of all monies received and expended; shall pay no bills without proper authorization by the Club or the Executive Committee; and sign and send all checks for authorized payment of bills. He shall cause a report to be published every other month in his Club records of the income and expenses of Club funds for the past months and give a report of the same at the next regular meeting of the Club; and shall, at the expiration of his term, turn over everything in his possession belonging to the Club to his successor.

4.40 The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, including Executive Committee meetings; shall receive all applications for membership; shall keep a roll of members in conjunction with the Treasurer; shall carry on all correspondence; other than that required to be handled by the Club Trustee; shall thank in appropriate form all guest speakers and other such persons, firms or organizations obligating the Club by their favors; and shall read appropriate communications at the meetings. The Secretary shall also keep the By-Laws of the club and have a copy of the same with him at every meeting. He shall cause all amendments, changes and additions to be noted thereon and shall permit the same to be consulted by members upon request. He shall provide information to the Webmaster as needed for distribution to the Club members. He shall, at the expiration of his term, turn over everything in his possession belonging to the Club to his successor.


5.10 The Board of Directors shall normally consist of five (5) but not less than three (3) members. The Board shall meet at the call of the President or any two (2) other members of the board. Three (3) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any club business as specified in these By-Laws. It shall be the duty of the Board to approve all Club activities and it is responsible for all club operation.

Further Duties are;
A. To listen to recommendations made by the club in business and in policy matters. All recommendations are subject to approval of the Board.

B. In unusual circumstances, the Board is empowered to call elections to fill vacancies in Club offices and otherwise insure continuity in the operation of the Club.

C. To insure continuity in the operation of the Club and in unusual circumstances, the Board of Directors is empowered to appoint an individual or individuals to fill an office that has apparently been vacated or abandoned. This shall include all offices of the club except that of President which is covered under Section 4.20 of these By-Laws

D. In consultation with the President, the Board of Directors shall appoint the Trustee when a change is necessary. See Section 9.20.

E. The Board of Directors is empowered to request the President to call a special meeting on any matter that they think is good for the club, and should not wait until the next meeting. The Board is empowered to remove any officer, or member of the club they find is not good for the club.

F. They shall audit the records of the Treasurer and Secretary as outlined in Section 7.40 of these By-Laws.

G. A special election may be held at any meeting to fill vacancies which occur between regular elections. A special procedure applies to the vacancy in the office of President (see Section 4.20) the balance of this section applies to all elected offices other than the President. If a special election is to be held, a notice to this effect shall be published in the issue of the club newsletter immediately preceding such election. Those members of the club present at such meeting shall comprise a committee competent to nominate and elect a club member to the vacant office.

H. Should the office of President become vacant for any reason, the Vice-President shall immediately and automatically assume the office of President and the office of Vice-President shall be declared vacant and refilled under the terms of Section 3.30.

I. Term of office for all officers except for Board of Directors and Trustee, shall be two (2) years commencing at the adjournment of the December meeting of the even years, and continuing until adjournment of the December meeting two years later, or until their successor has been elected and qualified. Officers elected at a special election shall assume office immediately and their term shall end at the adjournment of the proper December meeting.

J. Term for all appointments shall be for two (2) years commencing at the adjournment of the December election meeting and continuing until adjournment of the December meeting the appropriate year or until their successor has been appointed. Those appointed to fill an unexpired term shall assume responsibility immediately and their term shall end at adjournment of the even December meeting unless they are reappointed.


6.10 Regular meetings shall be held on the 2nd Saturday of even months at such time and place as the President shall order. Regular meetings may be canceled by the President provided a special meeting is called within ten (10) days of the canceled regular meeting.

6.20 Special meetings may be called by the President upon the written request of any five members of the Club, and for this purpose, the President himself may sign such a request. Notices shall be made available to all members through the Website or otherwise, by the Secretary informing them of the special meeting and of the business to be transacted. Such notices shall be sent in ample time to allow normal receipt at least 24 hours prior to this meeting. Only such business as is designated in the notice shall be transacted at the special meeting except where the special meeting is called to take the place of a regular meeting as provided in Section 6.10 of these By-Laws, in which case any business may be transacted.


7.10 Annual Membership dues are due and payable on January 1 of each year. All members shall fill out a new membership form when they pay their dues so the Secretary can keep an accurate record of members. The fiscal year for accounting shall be January 1 through December 31 of the same year. Annual dues for full membership $25.00, and (Amended 11/8/2008) associate membership shall be $12.50. A new member joining the Club after July 1 shall pay half dues, ($12.50), to carry their membership through the end of that fiscal year. Dues for full time students will be $5.00 annually. Anyone 65 and older, dues are $15.00. Additional family members at same address will be ½ what their membership would normally be.

7.20 (Amended 11/8/2008;) The Treasurer shall have two accounts for the club. One account will be for General funds, the other one will be for Club Operating funds.

7.30 The Treasurer shall remind all members when their dues are becoming due. Any member whose dues are in arrears past the conclusion of the April meeting shall be dropped from membership. Any person dropped from membership for non-payment of dues shall be reinstated upon payment of one (1) year’s dues.

7.40 At the close of each fiscal year, it shall be the duty of the board of directors to audit the accounts and records of the Treasurer and Secretary, and to render a report of its findings to the club at the February meeting.

7.50 The Club, by a majority vote of those present at any regular meeting, may levy upon the general membership such dues or assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the organization within its objects as set forth in these By-Laws. Non-payment of such dues or assessments shall cause the member to be put in an in-active status with no voting privileges.


8.10 If these By-Laws need to be amended for any reason, they may be amended by a majority vote of the total Club membership, or by a two-thirds vote of members present at any meeting.

8.20 Five members in good standing present at a regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business except for By-Laws as provided in Section 8.10.


9.10 The President shall have the authority to appoint such committees as he deems advisable for the welfare of the Club, and he shall have the authority to dissolve such committees at anytime except those appointed by the Board of Directors. He shall, in consultation with the Board of Directors appoint the Club Trustee, when a change is necessary. Normally the Trustee continues in office for the term of the Station License, K4TRS, which is keyed to his own license.

9.20 The Trustee may appoint such assistants as he deems necessary to accomplish his duties, such as Repeater Control Operators and Net Manager. The Trustee and these appointees constitute the Repeater committee. He shall be responsible for maintenance, licensing, coordination, and proper operation and care of the club’s repeater(s), any other club owned equipment, and he shall keep the Club informed of the status of same.

9.30 The Repeater Committee shall be responsible for all activities relating to any repeater system’s that the club shall own and/or operate, subject to club approval.

9.40 The Net Manager shall be responsible for calling the net on the time that the club has set up. If he or she can not call the net then it shall be their duty to get a replacement… They need to try to get a substitute at least a day before the net time.

9.50 The Repeater Control Operators. Shall be responsible for the control of the repeater such as putting information on the repeater for business, and to cut off the repeater if it causes interference or any other problem.

9.60. The President shall see to the appointment of a Webmaster to attend to the ongoing upkeep of the Club Website, The website shall be used as the primary means of communication of general information to club members who do not regularly check into the weekly on the air net, and will provide information about the Club to the community at large.

Added Amendments:

11/8/2008 The Annual dues for associate member will be $12.50.

11/8/2008 To have accounts for funds one will be General account. The other will be a club operations funds account.

Amended 11/8/2008 Board Members to rotate 2 off 2009, 2 off 2010, 1 off 2011.

Order of Business for Business Meetings:

Call to Order
Introduction of Guests
Reading of the Minutes of the previous Business Meeting by the Secretary
Treasurer’s Report
E. Net. Report & ARES Report
F. Report from Committees
G. Old Business
H. New Business
I. Motion To Close
J. Adjournment

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